My Senior Comprehensive is a culmination of my art showcasing hand-drawn 2D animation and storyboarding.
Below is my Senior Comprehensive Proposal:
24 years ago, my parents got into their car and drove to airport. It was on this day that I would be arriving to America on an airplane to join my new family. It’s a story that thousands of other international adoptees go through and I would like to bring this personal narrative to life.
For my senior comprehensive, I will be creating a short animation displaying an adoption narrative. The story would begin in the future where a girl is working at her desk. The girl would pick up a photo that is herself as a baby. The animation would then transition to the past when she was a baby at an orphanage. It would eventually transition to her living with a foster family and then flying on an airplane to her new family in the United States. It would end where it started with the girl looking at the old photograph. The animation would be from 2-5 minutes long and would be drawn in traditional 2D animation style which will be heavily inspired by Japanese animation. For the animation, I will be using the programs of the Adobe Suite, Procreate, and Toon Boom.
I hope my animation would bring attention and awareness of international adoptions and although I do not the memories of my adoption, my animation fills in the memories showcasing all the people along the way. This animation would represent my eternal gratitude to the people that have helped me and represent a story that hopefully some people can relate to and remind them it does not matter where they came from. I hope to share this work as an inspiration and hopeful message.
These projects such as my “Girls, Girls, Girls” (2015) stem from my Video Art course. These projects focus on femininity, materialism, and sexual assault.
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Showcase of my Motion Design work including 2D and 3D animation
This project highlights my Zen Garden project where we had to design a page with existing text in Adobe Dreamweaver.
Fire was a project for my Website Design class. It involved taking a portion of a poem and creating a webpage interpreting Chad Davidson’s poem, From the Fire Hills.
Link to website:
This page showcases some of my painting works throughout the years.
This past year I took a ceramics class that dealt with hand building and some wheel throwing. This class taught me about being patient with clay and also clay is cathartic.
For one of my sculpture projects, we had to work with wooden dowel rods. I love sculpture and how powerful it feels using drills and power tools. This project I created two fans that hung side by side. I then glued Japanese paper onto it.
During this project, I first created a wax sculpture. One looked like a starfish creature and the other looked like a waved curved seashell. Then we created a plaster mold on top using plaster and fiberglass to hold it together.
The wax was then melted out using a steambox and a bucket.
Pieces of glass were placed inside the molds and placed in the kiln.
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Currently I am working on a new animation project inspired by my senior comprehensive and the Disney Pixar Movie, Elemental (2023). This story will showcase a young girl’s journey growing up as a ghost and trying to navigate school and home life.